Personal work

"Baldwin" Portrait Painting of american writer & civil rights activist James Baldwin in the year of his Centenial. American Illustration Awards 43th, Selected Winner.

“Stay Asleep”, 42th American Illustration Awards Winner. Acrylic & Augmented Reality.

“Blue Over Yellow", 3x3 International Illustration Annual Winner. Acrylic on Bristol.

“Luisa’s Dream”, Acrylic & Gold leaf on canvas.

“El Espíritu de Frederick Douglass", Mixed media on canvas.

“Sunday Morning”, Oil on panel. “Gun Show” Exhibition at the Dunes Gallery, Washington D.C.

"Laika the Astronaut", Children's Book.

"Laika the Astronaut", Children's Book.

"Laika the Astronaut", Children's Book (Unpublished)

“El Sueño or The Delightful Nightmares of the Ladies”, Animation. Capital Fringe Festival, Washington DC.

“El Sueño or The Delightful Nightmares of the Ladies”, Animation. Capital Fringe Festival, Washington DC.